And Heaven opened up, and the angels sang.

Do you know who is in town tonight. Do you know? This is so exciting I don't even know how to contain myself. And I have VIP access.


My long-lost, marathon partner-in-crime, and most missed person who never (ever) should have moved away just to marry a (albeit wonderful, handsome) doctor. I could SQUEAL. Oops, wait. Just did. It slipped out.

She decided to move to ANOTHER STATE in early March, and her farewell party is the last I've seen of her. Sigh.

But she's here. Tonight. And we're going to dinner. And squealing. And talking of times of old. And by "times of old," I mean Jason Mraz. And our shared affinity for He Who Sings Me To Sleep and Dreams Of Providing My Baby. (Wait, what?)

And you know, we may mention a few other things. Like, I don't know, she's getting MARRIED in five months. And I'M getting married. And EVERYONE is getting married. And life is SO EXCITING and oh-my-God I can't wait to talk about it.

Exasperated sigh.