Oh, yup, still here.

I keep telling myself that when I go weeks without blogging I won't mention it every time I come back. Yet here I am, mentioning it. I can't help it. It's like suddenly showing up somewhere after you've been missing for a month. I feel like I need to explain myself.

So with that said, I have no explanation. But hello, hi. Here I am. I'm not completely gone from the internet, you know. There's always Twitter. And it's recently been brought to my attention that I have accumulated more tweets than the actual founder of Twitter. So perhaps I should spend a little less time there. 


I feel like I have at least 17 things I'd love to blog about, but I can't, so let's discuss the fact that I bought a new couch last night (for my new apartment) (the new apartment that is mine in 14 days) (I'm not counting).

I'm 31 years old, and this is the very first piece of brand new furniture I've ever purchased for myself. Did it take me this long to grow up, or what's going on there? Anyhow, it's a big, red, smooshy sectional, and I'm going to sit on it, and cuddle with it, and make sure it knows it's loved. BECAUSE IT IS. BECAUSE IT'S MINE. My very own big, red, smooshy couch. 

In related news, I haven't packed a single box yet, so have plenty to do in the next 14 days before I move out and say goodbye to my sweet, little apartment. Whatever, I'm not crying, I have dust in my eyes. I'll feel better when I'm basking in the air-conditioning of my new home, however. Don't worry.

Also, possibly, maybe it's likely I'll see my apartment again, seeing as though I had a chance encounter with its new tenant (straight up serendipity), and probably maybe there's a chance we've been spending time together ever since. This future apartment dweller is pretty great, and it's all quite lovely, but that's all I'm going to say about it for fear of spooking the entire serendipitous situation away. So, shhhh. You didn't hear it from me.

No really, shut up. 

In life outside of moving and apartments and fate, my family is heading north this weekend to bury my grandpa's ashes, which seems like a good way to let the last six months of healing and forward progress wash away. And then next month we'll do the same for my grandma. So we're all about reverting back to sad times up in here because, sure, why not? It'll be great to see family and to now have a place to visit and remember, but I'm pretty positive no one in my family is prepared or emotionally stable enough to relive January. Though, now that I mention it, 2013 is half over! MIRACLES.

While we're on depressing topics, I feel I must mention that next week is my boss's last week at our agency. We often joke that we're best friends, and as far as working goes, it's basically accurate. We've had so much fun as a department in the last year and a half, and I've learned ALL OF THE THINGS from him, and I cannot believe he's leaving me to do all the things on my own.  So I'm a little mournful over the whole idea. In fact, I hate him. Yes. I do. (Just kidding, ohmygod). [sniffle] 

So needless to say, work life has grown increasingly more stressful (in both good and bad ways), but I still feel lucky as hell to be here and do what I do and love my job. But shit's getting real, you know? My feels and my brain are overwhelmed. Check back in a couple weeks. It'll all be fine.

So that's all I've got. I promise to report back soon.